As drugs tobacco is closely connected with the human history. The first tobacco users were people from ancient civilizations all arround the world about 5 000 B.C. (source Wikipedia). Of course as drugs, tobacco were used because of religional purposes (yes, our well-known shamans).
The most famous fact from history is probably using tobacco by Native Americans from the time of Wild-West (you know it from westerns). These people used calumet - ceremonial smoking pipe. Remember the word "ceremonial", which does not mean, they used it for the style or escaping from reality.
In Europe there were some waves of smoking as a cultural phenomena. Finaly in last 50 years the main product for smoking is the cigarette.
Generally you can divide smokers to these groups:
The worst you can smoke. Today's cigarettes are not from pure tobacco, but full of artificial chemicals to enhance the taste, smoke, smell and nicotine absorption. Some sources say, there are more than 4 000 substances in cigarettes, most of them not really good for us.
Because cigarettes are inhaled, your lungs will be full of tar (permanent status, you cannot remove it), you have great risc of many cancer types.
Tobacco combined with clove was made at the beging of 20th century for curing lung's allergies. Less dangerous than cigarette, but still not healthy as predicted.
Pipe smokers has mostly more quality tobacco, they do not inhale smoke to lungs and they are less physicaly dependent due to less smoking in general. So in this case less dangerous than previous types, but still risc of tongue cancer.
If you are the right cigar smoker, you will have it in your mouth aproximately once a minute. Most of the time the cigar is resting in the ashtray. The most quality tobacco used, usually without added chemicals. If these rules are applied, there is less health danger comparing to previous types.
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